Construction Management Services
Outsourced construction Site Professionals.
The project is carried out according to the client’s construction management system. EHMP’s construction site professionals are integrated part of the client’s construction management team.
- Foremen and Supervisors
- Site Engineers
- Construction managers
- Planners
- Project Engineers
Construction Management.
Fully outsourced construction management team for executing the construction works all the way from the very beginning to the project handover. Outsourced construction management systems and procedures for all construction site safety matters, authority issues, documentation exchange, reporting etc.
Scheduling and Progress Reporting.
The construction site is managed by the client’s professionals. EHMP provides the scheduling and progress reporting services.
Find out more about our planning and reporting ecosystem
Download Edistyma Presentation
Cost Estimates.
Outsourced cost estimating for investors, general contractors and contractors at all stages of the project starting from pre-feasibility studies to execution phase.
Quality Control.
EHMP Engineering toimii työmaan ulkoistettuna laadunvalvojana ja teknisenä asiantuntijana. EHMP valvoo työmaan töiden teknistä laatua ja tarkistaa, että urakoitsijat toimittavat asiakaalle riittävän dokumentaation liittyen eri ammattialojen työkokonaisuuksiin.
EHMP Engineering Oy
Vaahteramäentie 7
04150 Martinkylä, Sipoo
Männiköntie 5
99800 Ivalo
phone: +358 20 775 6250